Tuesday, September 18, 2012

water, paint, glitter, glue, sand, apples

Apple day started with apple math.  We graphed our apples by colors and by whether or not they had a stem.  Then we measured our apple's height,
and weight
 and tested if it would float or sink
 Some apple centers: making patterns,
 making apple fingerprints to match numbers
We did non-fiction writing
 apples are good. they help us grow.
 apples are yummy

In science class we made a diagram of an apple and labeled the different parts.
and at 2:00 we finally got to eat the applesauce that we had smelled all day long.  About half of the class liked it (some could not get past the fact that it was chunky and warm).  Everyone at this table had seconds or thirds despite one of them telling me ahead of time that they didn't like that kind of applesauce.
 No pictures of our awesome apple seasons art - we were too busy with glue, paint, sand and glitter... but since we already had the mess out, we had a messy art option at center time.  
See this creation?  It features glue, sand, glitter, crayon, and dot markers as the media.

 And since the water table was filled from the morning, that center was also open later.
Update: here's an apple seasons picture:
It was a very messy, very fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very busy day. Who knew that an apple could be used for math, science, language, art and a snack all in one day?
    Some very nice work being done by your class!


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