Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bible, art, much math

'Abraham' came to tell the Bible story today.
 We had a dad come help us with a cool art project... pictures tomorrow probably.  At least half the class did an extra project because they had so much fun!
 In math today we worked on translating patterns (showing the same pattern several different ways).  We started with links and everyone could choose what type of pattern to start with.  Then we made the same pattern but using different objects (stickers, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, beans, sequins, noodles...).  Then we made the same pattern by drawing shapes.  We actually had quite a good variety of patterns.

AB patterns:
I heard a comment that "Math is so fun!"  It made me smile.


  1. Wow! You have some pretty complicated patterns there. I'm impressed.

  2. That was cool! I always love to hear "Math is so fun!". It makes my day complete. A dad coming over adds up a lot of fun! Great activity.

    1. When I scroll down with my mouse on the AAB red & green pattern, it looks like they are moving! Fun!


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