Friday, January 20, 2012

Indoor icy fun (picture heavy)

Ice activity: freeze plastic animals in water in an ice cube tray then tell children to rescue the animals. Super easy, super fun, super wet table afterward :)
They used some of the same strategies they tried earlier this week when we just observed ice and helped it melt: rub it, breathe on it, drop it to break it.Then we brought out the hammers.
We pretended it was an iceberg...
While the class was in PE, I gathered a bucket of clean snow from the mound outside and brought it inside so we could build snowmen inside. It was harder for the children than I expected, but overall they enjoyed it. We went back to observe them several times throughout the day. We divided into three groups; your child will probably remember which is their snowman.

Group 2
Step 1: building the snowman (noonish)
Step 2: observing ('without touching it' - this was the hard part) it about a half hour later. This group has a castle in the background and I think the snowman was actually a snow alien, at least for a while.
2:15ish observe and illustrate/write in science notebook
3:20 end of day
Group 1 building. They wanted to have lots of snow around their snowman.
Group 3 building

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