Tuesday, January 24, 2012

100 reasons for thanks

Our Bible time was a little different today. Instead of hearing a story, I posed the question, "What are you thankful for?" We worked together to make a list of 100 things for which we are thankful - things God made or did or has given to us. This was surprisingly hard for some children, so it reaffirmed that being thankful is something we need to consciously work on. We tried to think of 100 different things, but there are a few repeats (for example Johnny is thankful for his mom, but Mary is also thankful for hers). So without further ado, the list:
1. Being at school with all my friends
2. He made the toys
3. my mom
4. Macy
5. flowers
6. the world and everything on it
7. my 2 dogs
8. my sister
9. my baby sister
10. my mom and dad
11. my baby brother
12. a family
13. my sister, my dad, and myself
14. that we can all have a wonderful time when we die up in heaven
15. the weather
16. that we can go up in heaven and have fun
17. my school
18. that I could have a house
19. all the teachers
20. my family
21. holidays
22. my family
23. all our friends
24. He gave us a lot of games and friends
25. frogs
26. that we have all sorts of weathers
27. that we have all sorts of seasons
28. everybody can have a good day at school
29. bees to give us flowers
30. soft and cuddly snow
31. my mom and my dad and my house
32. everybody in the world
33. bugs
34. the whole world
35. flowers
36. all the animals and Adam and Eve
37. my rat
38. God
39. the school
40. the snowmans
41. for Him
42. the universe
43. all the wonderful food
44. being healthy
45. I can grow tall
46. our mom and dads
47. the workers so they can make money
48. for China and the whole entire state
49. our teachers
50. money so we can buy stuff and not be poor
51. trees
52. President
53. snow
54. water
55. honey
56. the Bible
57. that I lost 2 teeth
58. someday that I'm going snowboarding
59. that God gave us sledboards so we can sled on the ice
60. pets
61. He gave us all brothers and sisters
62. snowflakes
63. everybody here
64. that we can be teached by teachers
65. our school
66. my friends
67. my bed
68. He's made me a good soccer player
69. for my sister
70. animals
71. ground (otherwise we wouldn't have anything to stand on)
72. food
73. our toys
74. our houses
75. cousins
76. aunts
77. I can see a real mouse
78. sky
79. He made Kindergarten
80. weather
81. my shoes so I don't get too much sand on my feet
82. He made all the wonderful stuff on the Earth
83. that I can play kickball
84. that God made the Israelites get across from the running rivers
85. the Christian school
86. today (1oo Day)
87. babies
88. grownups
89. children
90. our skin so people don't have to see all your blood
91. home
92. He made the alphabet
93. He made my family
94. air so we can breathe
95. that I can be here with all my friends
96. legs
97. snowflakes
98. songs
99. Psalm 23
100. numbers

It's a pretty good list, isn't it? So, what are you thankful for? And did you have a favorite?

1 comment:

  1. Ardie, a.k.a. Miss Vis' momJanuary 24, 2012 at 8:39 PM

    LOTS to be thankful for!
    My 2 favorites were #14 & #90. Both of those made me smile.
    (I have to admit my least favorite would be #37, but there's a story or two behind that....)


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