Monday, February 13, 2012

Duck! Rabbit!

Today we read a book called Duck! Rabbit! which is about two people (whom you never actually see) arguing over if a creature is a duck or a rabbit. It's a really cute book. Afterward everyone had to say if they thought it was a duck or a rabbit and then explain why. It was good practice, and a fun way to do it, since the book never actually gives the answer, so you can't really be wrong. Or maybe you can't be right...

We'll have the book out during Open House (Thursday night, hope to see you there!), so you can come read it and and give us your opinion. Some children actually remember the book from visiting the room for last year's Open House. :)

If you want a preview, click on this link to amazon and then scroll down and you can watch a video of part of the book.

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