Friday, May 20, 2011


Graduation is over!
You made it!
Everything went beautifully tonight!

I don't know if any students took advantage of the 11:30 dismissal today by taking a nap, but their teacher did and so she is quite awake now!

Listening to the audience sing "In Christ Alone" along with the class as they signed was beautiful, and powerful. Probably my favorite part. What was yours?

The kids did a great job watching me for the most part. No one sang with their eyes closed for a whole verse, no one fell off the stage, no one tripped on the stage, no one asked to go to the bathroom in the middle, no one held their letter upside down, no one said 130 instead of 120, no one started dancing when they shouldn't... so it was much better than some of our practices :). Not perfect, but still really good. With Kindergartners, the imperfections help make it even more cute. Children can be unpredictable, but that's part of the wonder. We missed one page (so a few lines) of a our story/play, Cows in the Kitchen. One child had heavy eyelids about halfway through the program. During the Metamorphosis song we had two strong leaders singing at different tempos for one verse. I pointed to my eyes, to remind them to watch me so we sing together. I know several children were watching me, because they also pointed to their eyes. Likewise, when I made a motion to sing a bit louder, a few children cupped their hands to their ears. A few children never smiled, so intent they were on watching me :) I tried to get them to smile by smiling ridiculously or pointing to my mouth, but you can guess what that made the children do...

Thank you for the opportunity to become more technologically ept (why isn't ept a word? Inept is.). I am really excited about the Kindle! I had a little trouble opening the box (okay, a lot), but that's all right...maybe next year in Kindergarten I will learn how to open a box.

You will get an email when DVDs of the program are available so you can enjoy it all over again. Thank you for a wonderful year. I loved teaching your children!


  1. If I'm ever in Arizona, can I come visit your class? :)

  2. Yes, of course! Be forewarned though, I might make you teach a little bit about Vietnam :)

  3. I loved watching the DVD of graduation. I'm sure being there in person was even more enjoyable. Congratulations to your whole class!


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