Wednesday, September 15, 2010


No, this post is not about the alphabet. It's about math. Patterning to be precise. We spent more time translating patterns. We started with links. Then we made the same pattern a different way: with stuff (seed pods, cereal, pom-poms, beads, foam stickers, straws...). Then we made the same pattern a different way: by drawing it with symbols (letters, dots, swirls, stars, lines...). It was a lot of fun. Some children made an AB pattern, others ABB or ABC. They got to choose.

Can you tell that we had fun and were proud of our accomplishments?
Here are some close-ups: AAB
AB. Hey! Why is this sideways? It was not that way in the file. Oh well. Not going to fix it. Just turn your head sideways :)
You'll have to ask your child if their pattern is here. Sorry I didn't post every single picture. I don't want the blog to take too long to load. I chose the pictures mostly based on how good of a shot I took... which eliminates the mid-blink ones. If you really want your child's picture, I can email it to you.

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