Saturday, April 9, 2011


Friday we added a new poem to our poetry books. I love "Willaby Wallaby Woo" because the children enjoy it since it is funny, and it teaches phoneme manipulation and reinforces rhyme. The long poem we read in class all week had a verse for each child, but in their poetry book they got to decide the 3rd verse. Most chose their own name or someone else's. I love the below illustration with the speech bubbles ("This chair is so nice." and "No, it's not!")
We also did some weaving since our letter this week was Ww. Fun, fine motor, art. Some got creative: "Can we decorate it?" "Can we add a handle?" "Can we put something on the bottom?" Yes! I support creativity!
Another fun thing from the day: we made webs (also because of Ww). How often do you get to draw with glue? There was not a lot of silver or white glitter, so this year I said they could use any color of glitter and I'm glad because they turned out really cute. You can probably imagine with the table and floor looked like...
Multi-colored glitter:
The pink web is a little more abstract, but once it was glitter-fied it received an "ooh-la-la"

The red and blue combination looked really neat.
This child has some artistic skills! I think he drew this in only 1 or 2 minutes and it looks great.
Later in the day we made words with the letters npsgri. They figured out the mystery word (the word that uses all the letters) almost right away. I challenged them to use the letters to make at least 5 words before recess and they all did! Quite easily in fact. Some children built 8 or 9 words, and mostly independently (I made a few suggestions to some children, like "Can you make any words from the word wall?" or "You made pig. Can you make it plural?"). Impressive!
We read some Spring books yesterday. One was about birds. If you have not seen it yet, there is a live video stream trained on an eagle's nest in Iowa. All 3 eggs have now hatched, so if you want to see some real baby birds, check out this link occasionally. They are cute. If you look at the right time, you can seem the parents feeding them.
Happy Spring!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What a smart and creative class you have!


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