Monday, March 28, 2011

Egg-celent Egg-speriment

The egg-speriment: How strong is an egg?
We put an egg in a little nest of playdoh (so it wouldn't roll away) and balanced a pan on the egg and a few blocks. First we guessed how many books it would hold. Most guesses were between 1 and 5.
Then we started stacking and counting. This is 20 books. It actually held 25 (hardcover) books before it cracked.
Sometimes science gets a little messy, but it is worth the excitement. :)
We didn't get into the physics of why eggs are so strong, but we marveled at it and wondered if God made eggs so strong to protect baby animals that might be growing inside.

P.S. This is the 100th post!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! The Physics will come later, and they'll remember this day, and enjoy the physics lesson even more.


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