More from last week... we heard the story of Solomon becoming King over Israel and how God came to him in a dream and said to ask for whatever he wanted. Before giving Solomon's request for wisdom, I posed the question to the class: if God said to ask for any one thing, what would you ask for? I wish I could have recorded the answers, but the following are what I remember.
My Daddy to be home every day
Have lots of Scooby Doo movies
Quack like a duck when I'm be old enough
Fly a helicopter by myself (No, it was not the helicopter pilot's son)
Obey God
Live in a big mansion and all my friends can come over
Stay home with my mom until Jesus comes back
Serve the Lord
Have a lemonade stand
I was amused, but also impressed. They did not all ask for things, but some wanted something more Godly, and some showed they valued relationships.
This post made me both laugh & cry. What a precious class you have!