Well, not quite 100 pictures, but I was not very discriminatory in my selections. Here are some pictures of our 100th day celebration.
Estimating jars: we had to guess if each jar had 100, more than 100, or fewer than 100 blocks. Then we grouped the blocks into 10s to count. Make your estimates now...

And here you can see a recording sheet so you can check your estimates (sorry I missed this one when rotating pictures):

This is 100 baby steps (starting at the edge of the courtyard):

Starting from the same spot, this is 100 giant steps; we went across the courtyard, past the 7th and 8th grade rooms, and close to the office.

And the 100 day homework! We showed our 100 items, and then lined them up to measure them.
Lego and stickers:

Counting bears and unifix cubes:

If you look carefully, you can see the colorful toothpicks trying to blend into the carpet. They came in a really small bag, but put end to end, they went the farthest! They even had to curve around some furniture.

K'nex I think, socks (yes, I can easily bring 100 fun socks), and Lego. Some children enjoyed crawling under tables to complete their row of items.

Buttons and marbles:

Craisins and erasers:

Everyone thought this was so cool: 100 nails on one side of the board and 100 staples on the other.

100 times hitting a ball with a paddle in PE:

Crazy party hats with 100 stickers!

And every party needs a snack. We got to eat 100 things!

The fun continued the next day with Froot Loop necklaces. They actually had 101 pieces if you included the one tied on the end of the string. First we counted 100 pieces.

Then we strung them.

Then we wore them.

I don't think many, if any, necklaces made it home with 101 pieces still.