Friday, November 19, 2010

Other stuff from today

The grocery store center has been in use the entire length of free choice centers every single day. Today I saw children circling ads, reading prices, cutting coupons, and then entering the barcode on the cash register.
In case we didn't make enough noise when we knocked down Jericho the first time, or when we played Tumbling Walls and we were the walls, some children rebuilt and redestroyed Jericho during centers. Those poor preschoolers next door... they probably heard us all day (practicing Mr. Turkey, loudly reciting memory work, and of course fighting the battle of Jericho).
When I demonstrated how to build a pyramid, the class applauded. This was by far the most popular of our morning rotating centers today.
Thanks to Fall Festival, we could hunt in the hay for some hidden things. This week it was transportation. After school a preschooler helped me hide something new in it for next week...

Thanksgiving Feast

Here is the class performing It's Thanksgiving and Mr. Turkey. Some children remembered to do the actions :)
Here is everyone with their buddies:

Yes, I dressed up too. Mrs. Voss somehow avoided the picture this year.

Hat Day

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The last child to pray today ended with "and thank you that we have Miss Vis to teach us. Amen."

I love my job.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Today in social studies we talked about transportation and we graphed ourselves by how we got to school. There were a few bus riders, but most children came in their can/van with a parent. No walkers today. I told the class that I walked to school from Kindergarten through 7th grade and after that I took a car, a ferry boat, and a bus. They just stared at me. I'm not sure they believed me.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Smattering of Pictures

Sorry for the lack of gets pretty busy before Fall Festival. Hopefully there will be more pictures up after Friday's Thanksgiving Feast. Don't forget that you (parents and children) are allowed to dress up... and don't order pizza since we will be feasting on turkey etc.
My cousin reminded me that I needed to update the blog, so here are a few pictures from the last few weeks. Below are two boys intently searching for words they know, or the letter Nn in a Newspaper (popular activity and so easy/inexpensive....just requires a newspaper page and a highlighter or crayon)A fading collage from art class. Can you tell what some or all of the shapes are?
Remember when I asked you to sign those highlights magazine forms, even if you did not order anything, and I would get free stuff? Well it came! We have already used the (quiet!) foam dominoes for a number game, and the new pointers are popular. THANK YOU! Hopefully if you did order the magazine, they have started to come or will start soon.
Smile and say "Fall Festival!"
Building words with our new insta-learn board, bought with money from the auxiliary.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Field Trip

Today was our field trip to Petco
Somewhere amidst all those hands and heads there is a cat.
This was actually the first animal we got to touch. It was very entertaining because it pooped.
The guinea pig was scared and trying to hide. If I was a guniea pig, I might be scared of Kindergarteners too.
The ferrets were fun to watch. Despite being nocturnal, they all wanted to come out of the cage.
There were a lot of fish.
We got to feed these fish.
We found Nemo (clownfish)! Also a Blue Tang (Dorie) which is not pictured here.