Friday, November 19, 2010

Other stuff from today

The grocery store center has been in use the entire length of free choice centers every single day. Today I saw children circling ads, reading prices, cutting coupons, and then entering the barcode on the cash register.
In case we didn't make enough noise when we knocked down Jericho the first time, or when we played Tumbling Walls and we were the walls, some children rebuilt and redestroyed Jericho during centers. Those poor preschoolers next door... they probably heard us all day (practicing Mr. Turkey, loudly reciting memory work, and of course fighting the battle of Jericho).
When I demonstrated how to build a pyramid, the class applauded. This was by far the most popular of our morning rotating centers today.
Thanks to Fall Festival, we could hunt in the hay for some hidden things. This week it was transportation. After school a preschooler helped me hide something new in it for next week...

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that your kiddos applauded when you showed them how make pyramids. That's stinkin' adorable!


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